
Showing posts from 2009

The 12 Days of Health and Wellness Day 2

Day 2 Take Time for a Walk The holidays can be hectic, but taking time for exercise can make your season healthier. Whatever exercise routine you are doing now, you should continue it through the holidays; if you don’t have a routine, now is a great time to start. Just walking 12 minutes every other day can increase your health and wellness while giving you 12 minutes to plan your schedule or menu for the day. Regular walking can improve cardiovascular endurance, tone muscles of the lower body, burn calories (about 80 calories if you’re walking 2 miles per hour, and about 107 if you’re walking 4.5 miles per hour), and reduce the risk of heart disease. Make sure to stretch before and after your walks—this can reduce your lower back tension. Walking briskly around the block at least once or twice a day to look at the holiday lights and decorations is a good start to a routine. The following tips can help you enjoy your walk: • Swing your arms in coordination ...

The 12 Days of Health and Wellness

Day 1 Don’t Overload on Holiday Treats Eating healthy can be a year-round challenge, but it’s especially difficult during the holidays with office parties and family get-togethers complete with cookies and other holiday treats. Doctors of chiropractic urge patients to eat a balanced diet. You can enjoy the festive desserts—just don’t overloadon them. Staying hydrated is also important during the fl urry of holiday activities. Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water a day. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are dehydrators. Don’t substitute them for water.) On shopping days, you may need to drink even more water. Lifestyle Changes • Eat out more sparingly. Food preparation methods in restaurants often involve high amounts—and the wrong types—of fat and sugar. • Brown-bag your lunch during the holidays and year-round to control your fat and sugar content while adding nutritious fruits, vegetables and grains. • Limit your intake of alcohol. Drinking alcohol excessiv...

The WINForum Nutrition Blog: Student athletes need the right fuel

The WINForum Nutrition Blog: Student athletes need the right fuel
Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal law by Mike Adams the Health Ranger ( )
FDA's SMART CHOICE PROGRAM “Froot Loops is an excellent source of many essential vitamins and minerals and it is also a good source of fiber with only 12 grams of sugar,” said Celeste A. Clark, senior vice president of global nutrition for Kellogg’s, which makes Froot Loops. “You cannot judge the nutritional merits of a food product based on one ingredient.” Dr. Clark, who is a member of the Smart Choices board, said that the program’s standard for sugar in cereals was consistent with federal dietary guidelines that say that “small amounts of sugar” added to nutrient-dense foods like breakfast cereals can make them taste better. That, in theory, will encourage people to eat more of them, which would increase the nutrients in their diet.
FDA and the Delusions of Tyrants (comic) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger ( )
Politics Explained FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk. PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need. FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk. PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk. CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government ...

What is Subluxation?

Subluxation The term subluxation means minor misalignment however the affects on the human body as a result of a subluxation on the upper cervical spine can be far from minor. In the simplest of terms, a subluxation is when one or more vertebrae (bones in your spine) move out of line and create pressure on spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from the vertebrae in your spine. Pressure on the nerves can cause interference with the signals traveling through them - leading to numerous health related problem. Chiropractors commonly recognize five categories of components present in the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). • Spinal Kinesiopathology - is where the bones of the spine become stuck, don't move enough, or move too much. • Neuropathophysiology (abnormal nervous system function) - nerves can become overexcited and hyperactive. Due to the way the spine is engineered, abnormal spinal function can irritate, pinch, rub or cho...

That Headache Had Meaning!

That Headache Had Meaning! Remember this when a headache occurs. You gamble with your health when you treat the pain rather than the cause. Some headaches have simple explanations such as those resulting from overindulgence in food and drink. This type usually passes as soon as its cause—a disturbed digestive and eliminative tract—has been relieved. Most other headaches, however, particularly if chronic or recurring, should be taken more seriously, as they may be a warning signal of a more serious health problem. And often the problem is not related to the head. Headaches can, of course, result from many conditions. But research has revealed that a common cause—often unrecognized—can be traced to the cervical vertebrae (spinal bones of the neck). One should not delude oneself in assuming that headaches are “normal” and that they can be easily corrected with a package of “pain killers.’ Seeking relief by merely drugging the pain often allows the cause of the symptoms to g...

Blogger: Health News in East Texas - Configure Blog Posts

Blogger: Health News in Henderson and the East Texas Area : What Causes Back Pain? Aside from headaches, backache is America’s most common health complaint. Mr. Jones’ car was bumped from behind. He suffers back pain. Mr. Miller lifted a heavy box at work. He suffers back pain. Mrs. Boswell is expecting a child. She suffers back pain. Not all back problems are due to severe strains or dramatic accidents. There are times when a relatively innocent act such as stepping off a curbstone or lifting a pencil from the floor is sufficient cause for back pain. Unexpected, awkward, and off-balance movements of any kind can cause back pain and sciatica. This is because the pain may be the symptom of a spinal disorder compounded by structural weakness. Pains of mysterious origin may be caused by spinal insults. Sometimes they symptoms of the back problem appear immediately, allowing the victim to correlate cause and effect. However, sometimes days or even mont...