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Blogger: Health News in Henderson and the East Texas Area :

What Causes Back Pain?

Aside from headaches, backache is America’s most common health complaint.
Mr. Jones’ car was bumped from behind. He suffers back pain. Mr. Miller lifted a heavy box at work. He suffers back pain. Mrs. Boswell is expecting a child. She suffers back pain.
Not all back problems are due to severe strains or dramatic accidents. There are times when a relatively innocent act such as stepping off a curbstone or lifting a pencil from the floor is sufficient cause for back pain. Unexpected, awkward, and off-balance movements of any kind can cause back pain and sciatica. This is because the pain may be the symptom of a spinal disorder compounded by structural weakness.
Pains of mysterious origin may be caused by spinal insults. Sometimes they symptoms of the back problem appear immediately, allowing the victim to correlate cause and effect. However, sometimes days or even months pass before pain appears, causing the victim to seek treatment for conditions other than the causative spinal disorder.
Persistent or recurring aches in the lower back and limbs may suggest a possible lower spinal or pelvic problem. This often requires a structural correction of the cause in order to relieved the condition. Although drugs may hide the pain temporarily, the spine and sacroiliac must be aligned to its proper position for normal function.
If you suffer from back pain, it would be wise to consult a doctor of chiropractic. He has made a special study of conditions related to the sacroiliac, spine and nervous system. He seeks to not only locate the problem and give relief from symptoms, but also to correct the fundamental cause as well as offer preventive, rehabilitation, and maintenance counsel.


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