'[Integrative Health] Aerobics - Myth vs. FACT'

'[Integrative Health] Aerobics - Myth vs. FACT'
Before going out for that jog, here are a few myths I hope to put to rest:

Myth:  I'm too tired; exercising will use up all my energy. 
Fact: Give yourself a chance and advance slowly.  You'll be more energetic for having done some aerobic work.  And, within a short time, you'll actually come to enjoy it! Commit to getting dressed and out the door to do at least 5 minutes each day.  That's not too tough.  If you're still not into it after those 5 minutes, throw in the towel.  But 9 times out of 10 you'll get into the flow and have fun.

Myth: Lower intensity workouts burn more fat.  
Fact:  No, they don't.  It's true you burn a slightly higher percentage of calories from fat at low intensity, say 6% vs. 5% at high intensity, but you burn so fewer calories it's not helpful. For example, say at low intensity you burn 200 calories which 6% are from fat, this equals 12 fat calories burned. For the same amount of time at a high intensity you're burning 500 calories!  So, even though you may only burn 5% from fat, that's 25 fat calories!  

Myth: If I go to the gym and train hard every day I'll lose weight.
Fact:  Maybe, but weight loss does take counting calories... calories from HEALTHY foods that is! You know that 500 calories you burned in the high intensity workout above? Without discipline you can blow that at the Starbucks on the way home. 
Myth: 20 minutes 2-3 times per week is enough exercise.  
Fact:  Well, it's enough to start or help you get into the swing of exercising, but you'll get more benefits and gain more energy if you move towards exercising most days of the week at 45-60 minutes each time for an average of 6 hours per week.
Myth: I don't have that kind of time. Why bother?  
Fact:  The average American adult watches TV 29-34 hours per week! If you can't reduce that time by a few hours, set up a treadmill or exercise bike in front of the TV and have at it.  
Myth: I don't need aerobics as much since I lift weights.  
Fact:  Strength training is great, but its maximum benefits for longevity, weight loss and health occur with one session per body part per week. Some papers have suggested even just 1 set may provide this. Aerobics are a wiser expenditure of most of your exercise time.

Myth: I need a sports drink for exercise.
Fact:  If you're going at it hard for over 90 minutes, OK, otherwise drink water and save the calories for something better.

So get out and generate some ATP, you'll feel great!


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